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Definitions and Exercises Library


Barbell:  A weight consisting of a long metal bar to which disks of varying weights slide in at each end;

Dumbbell: A weight consisting of a short bar with a metal ball or disk at each end, it can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand;

Sets: A grouping of repetitions of one specific exercise;

Reps:  The number of times the exercise need to be performed in a set;

Rest: Time between each set;

Tempo: The speed at which the repetition should be performed 

Concentric contraction: The most common type of contraction used in training in which the muscle shortens while working against a weight. (For example, when lifting the weight towards you shoulders in a biceps curl)

Eccentric contraction: Also called negative contraction, it is the type of contractions in which the muscle lengthens while working against a weight. (For example, lowering the weight in a biceps curl). 

Exercises Library

Goblet Squat
Starting with feet hip width apart, hold a weight at chest height, hands up and elbows down. Keeping the chest and back upright, push the hips back, keeping the knees over the ankles and hips dropping into a seated position. Lower the hips down to 90 degrees or lower if able then using the glutes rise back up into a standing position.
Start by laying down on the ground, bring hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Feet together, keeping the midline tight, press up into the push-up then lower down until the body is hovering above the floor, try not to touch down.
Weighted Step-ups (Dumbbells or Barbell)
Using a box or bench that is ideally knee height, holding a set of weights or placing a bar on your back, place whole foot on the bench/box and stand up until upright on the bench/box. Bring both feet onto the box, then carefully step back down off the box. You may alternate lead leg or choose to do one set with the same leg then alternate for the next set.
Bent Over Dumbbell Row and Bent Over Barbell Row
Start with feet hip width apart, dumbbells or barbells in hand, hinge from the hips, ensure to keep the back straight, arm go towards the ground under the shoulders. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and pull the elbows back behind you then lower back to the ground without letting the shoulders roll forward.
Backward Stepping Lunges (Unweighted or Weighted) or
Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Lunges
Start by standing hip width apart, keeping the back straight, step back with the right foot, keeping the foot distance hip width, lower the knee to the ground. Knee can tap the ground or hover just above then step right foot back to starting position and repeat on the left. When stepping back ensure the front knee does not begin to move forward. Weights can be used by holding in farmers position (in hands) or on the shoulders.  When executing the Backward stepping lunges proceed with the same side repetitions then switch leg. When executing the Alternating Reverse Dumbbell Lunges switch leg between each repetition.
Weighted Farmers Walk 100m
Holding one dumbbell or plate in each hand, keep back straight and upright, then walk distance without dropping the weights.
Barbell Back Squats
Starting with feet hip width apart, place the barbell onto the meaty part of the shoulders (upper traps) grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder with, elbows point behind. Keeping the chest and back upright, push the hips back, keeping the knees over the ankles and hips dropping into a seated position. Lower the hips down to 90 degrees or lower if able then using the glutes rise back up into a standing position.
Barbell Bench Press or Dumbbell Bench Press
When using a rack with a barbell, start by laying on the bench, then grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder width, for most individuals at the first "knarling" or ring on the bar, unrack the bar, holding above the chest then lower to just above chest height then return to full extension with the elbows soft (do not hard lock them out). When using Dumbbells, bring the weights to your knees, lay down on the bench then bring the weight to your chest and push the weights up, then lower to just above chest height then return to full extension with the elbows soft (do not hard lock them out).
Barbell Deadlifts
Using a bar or dumbbells, start with feet hip width apart, keeping the bar upright and straight, hinge from the hips, pick up the bar and start at the mid shins, keep the shoulders over the bar and hips back, then stand up without moving the knees forward, try and keep the bar in a straight path from floor to full stand. Lower the bar in the same straight line. Ensure to keep the core braced throughout the movement and not to excessively round the back.
Pull-ups (Machine assisted, weighted, banded)
Grip the bar shoulder width apart, palms facing out, let the body hang, then proceed by pulling up until the chin is over the bar, lower until arms are straight but not locked out. If using a band, wrap band around the bar, place ideally both feet in the band and keep legs straight then proceed to pull yourself up until chin is over the bar then lower to full extension. When using a machine always review the instructions and that the machine is in good working order.  For most Pull-up assistance machines place the pin at the desired weight, climb up and kneel on the padded shelf, grab the handle bars at the desired distance apart then lower into full extension with elbow slightly soft and not fully locked out, then Pull-up until chin is over the handle height, then lower. If using additional weight, secure the weight to your hips using a weight belt and secure the weight with your legs. Grip the bar shoulder width apart, palms facing out, let the body hang, then proceed by pulling up until the chin is over the bar, lower until arms are straight but not locked out.
Dumbbell Renegade Rows with Push-up
Starting in a Push-up position with a dumbbell in each hand, perform a full Push-up from toes or knees, then when in full upright position perform a dumbbell row one each side, keep hips square to the ground, avoid twisting or rolling, then repeat the Push-up.
Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
Start with the dumbbell outside your feet and feet hip width apart. Keep back straight, hinge at the hips pick up the dumbbells, keep a slight bend in the knees, arms remain straight. Lift the weight as you dig your heels into the ground and lift the chest. Once past the knees, speed up, jump and shrug the shoulders. Keep the dumbbells close to the body and avoid doing a bicep curl. Pull yourself down and under and drive the elbows forward and pop the dumbbells on your shoulders. Catch in a partial squat. Press up and push the weights over head into full extension. Stand up then lower the weight to the shoulders.
Weighted Russian Twists
Start by sitting on the ground, keep back straight and shoulders back, slide feet in front of you with knees bent, for a challenge, feet can lift off the ground, holding a weight alternating side-to-side, rotating from the core.
Barbell Clean and Press
Start with the barbell in front of your shins and your feet and feet hip width apart. Keep back straight, hinge at the hips pick up the barbell, keep a slight bend in the knees, arms remain straight. Lift the weight as you dig your heels into the ground and lift the chest. Once past the knees, speed up, jump and shrug the shoulders. Keep the barbell close to the body and avoid doing a bicep curl. Pull yourself down and under and drive the elbows forward and pop the barbell on to your shoulders. Catch in a partial squat. Stand up. Press the barbell up and push the weights over head into full extension. Lower weight to shoulders then to the ground.
Plank Holds
In the top position of a Push-up, keep back straight and hips in line with shoulders, keep shoulders over hands or drop down to the elbows, feet together or on your knees hold the position for allotted time.
Declined Push-ups
With the feet elevated on a bench or box, bring hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Feet together, keeping the midline tight, press up into the push-up then lower down until the body is hovering above the floor, try not to touch down.
Alternating Superman Holds
In the top position of a Push-Up, keep back straight and hips in line with shoulders, keep shoulders over hands or drop down to the elbows, feet together or on your knees hold the position for allotted time. Lift opposite arm and leg, hold then lower, switch sides and repeat.
Bench or Box Jump Overs
Using a bench or box, face the bench/box, bend knees slightly and jump over the box and land on the other side with feet hip width apart and knees soft. Use a height that you are comfortable jumping over.
Weighted Plank Holds
In the top position of a Push-up, keep back straight and hips in line with shoulders, keep shoulders over hands or drop down to the elbows, feet together or on your knees hold the position for allotted time. To make this weighted place a plate or sandbag on your back. 
Weighted Sled or Sandbag drag
Standing in front of the sled or the sandbags, hold on to the handles. Keeping your back straight, start walking backwards while pulling the weight.