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National Inclusion Support Process

children and adult in woods
At PSP Recreation, our vision is to create a community where all individuals feel valued and supported, and where participation in recreation activities is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

We believe that inclusion is not just a buzzword, but an essential component of our programming, and we are committed to providing individualized support and accommodations to ensure that everyone can participate fully and meaningfully.   


Our goal is to foster a culture of respect, acceptance, and celebration of diversity, where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and achieve success in their recreational pursuits. We believe that by creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, we can help to break down barriers and promote positive change in the broader community, and we are dedicated to making this vision a reality.  


PSP staff can use a variety of strategies to create inclusive environments for children with differing needs. Here are PSP’s key strategies:  

  1. Create a welcoming and inclusive environment: A welcoming and inclusive environment is essential for creating an atmosphere where all children feel valued and supported. This can include creating a space that is physically accessible, using language that is inclusive and non-discriminatory, and promoting a culture of respect and acceptance.  

  1. Provide individualized accommodations: Each child is unique, and it's important to provide individualized accommodations and modifications to meet their specific needs. This can include modifying the environment or equipment, providing support and assistance, and adapting activities to ensure all children can participate 

  1. Train staff on inclusion and disability awareness: It's important to provide training and resources to staff on inclusion and disability awareness. This can help staff to better understand the needs of children with disabilities, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to provide appropriate support.  

  1. Foster strong partnerships with families and caregivers: Strong partnerships with families and caregivers are essential for creating inclusive environments. This can include involving families in program planning and decision-making, providing regular updates and communication, and soliciting feedback and input.  

  1. Encourage peer support and engagement: Encouraging peer support and engagement can help to create a sense of community and promote inclusion. This can include promoting teamwork and cooperation, facilitating peer-to-peer mentoring and support, and creating opportunities for socialization and relationship-building.  


Success in creating inclusive environments for children with differing needs can be seen in a variety of ways, including increased participation and engagement, improved socialization and relationship-building, and increased confidence and self-esteem. When children with differing needs feel included and supported, they are more likely to experience success in their recreation activities and develop a love for physical activity.

Creating a welcoming environment for children with differing needs requires a team effort. Program staff can work together by communicating regularly, sharing information and resources, and collaborating to develop individualized accommodations and modifications. By working together, staff can provide a coordinated and seamless approach to creating inclusive environments that meet the needs of all children.